Tucker BioKinetic University is an accredited school providing training based on the Tucker BioKinetic Technique (TBT)
Traditional medicine is stretched to its limits. TBT solves the long list of horse diseases and problems that are otherwise only 'manageable' or a 'training issue'.
TBT helps horses suffering from:
- Navicular
- Arthritis
- Suspensory Injury
- Chronic Colic
- Fly Allergies
- Phantom Lameness
- Back Soreness
- Mare Issues
- Stiffness
- Unwilling to Bend
- Preferring One Direction
- Bucking
- Rushing Courses
- Counter-Cantering
- Rearing
- Cold-Backed
TBT falls under the umbrella of energy work.
We're not using our own energy, we are modulating the horse's energetical motilities.
We first uncover the underlying cause of the horse's issue and then use a two-handed technique where each hand is doing something different at the same time, to realign the horse.
TBT uses very little physical force and a strong mental focus. It is gentle on both the horse and practitioner. Everyone can do it, it just takes practice.
The TBT Process Includes:

Body Checkups
We first find what the body can and cannot do with TBT Body Checkups

Primary Cause Analysis
We find the real underlying cause of WHY the horse is not optimal

TBT Alignment
We use TBT to align the body, which also resets internal mechanisms back to normal (ie no muscle memory).
If you would have told me I'd be doing something that looks like "energy-work", I would have said you were crazy. Completely crackers!
And yet, I needed to find answers for the horses!
Hi I'm Dr. Renee Tucker
In my first 5 years as an equine veterinarian, I became more and more shocked by what I could NOT help with.
At first, I thought I just needed more experience, or mentoring, or continuing education.
But no. What I found out by searching for answers, is that traditional medicine does not have those answers.
Don't get me wrong. Traditional medicine is great! But many issues that our horses struggle with do not have a veterinary solution.
Even in the horse training area, there are multitudes of training issues that are rooted in physical body problems.
And to help my clients, I've learned chiropractic, acupuncture, reiki, Rolfing, T-touch, massage, myofascial, and more and yet none of these modalities helped every horse, every time.
I wrote the book Where Does My Horse Hurt and established WhereDoesMyHorseHurt.com to start sharing all my solutions to horse's puzzling problems.
I realized I need to know the primary cause to truly help and then developed the Tucker BioKinetic Technique (with help from both my Doctorate in Vet Med & Bioengineering degree) and was finally able to fully heal most every horse, every time.
I created Tucker BioKinetic University (this place) to start training other practitioners, horse owners, and anyone interested, how to REALLY HEAL the horses and get them to optimal health.
I've traveled the world giving seminars.
I've been featured in:
Sometimes people say nice things about me:
Ready to Heal Horses with TBT?
Learn how to stop "fixing" compensations and finally get to the primary cause!
In this free video series, Dr. Tucker shows you what's going wrong and how to know why so you can start healing the horse for good.