What Students Say About Tucker BioKinetic University

Toni Horsley
TBT Master Practitioner, Australia
"This course was a life-changer for me. I will never forget feeling for the first time being able to release the lumbar spine when it simply ‘let go’ under my hand, it brought tears to my eyes, literally. This is an area of tension that so many horses suffer from and that I had continually struggled to release, and there it was, re-aligning and all tension dissolving under my touch.
My main modality is the Tucker Biokinetic Technique or TBT is the short version. I have also studied extensively with Jim Masterson and was his main instructor in Australia for 5 years. Prior to that, I have taken a multitude of courses including equine biomechanics, myofascial release, laser, and red light therapy.... the list goes on and on. And prior to all of that, I conducted a successful remedial and sports massage therapy practice in Sydney for 20 years.
After working with horses for several years I was getting frustrated when I kept coming across the same restrictions again and again. I found I was able to help horses tremendously in a session, they would relax beautifully and have huge releases but often when I returned for a follow-up visit, the original issues would have re-appeared. So I knew I was helping them, but I wasn’t FIXING them. This frustration led me to the USA to attend a course with Dr. Renee Tucker in 2016 to learn TBT. This was a level 1 course, where we learned skeletal alignment.
We learned how to align the entire skeleton of the horse. It is different from chiropractic work. It is subtle, it is gentle, it is energetic, it is relaxing. And the horses love it. It looks like nothing, it requires very little pressure, and above all it works. It takes 48 hours for the horse’s body to fully re-align and sometimes there are primary causes that need to be addressed before this completely happens. However, in most cases, the results are instant and horses literally change before our eyes.
Since that first course, I have traveled again to the USA and have studied extensively with Dr. Tucker and assisted her on several courses. I am many things, a bodyworker, a therapist, a healer and I am proud to call myself a TBT Master Practitioner!"
"I'd never left Australia before, but I did for TBT ... it was definitely worth it."
-Cheryl Ash, Australia
"The work is different than anything I've studied or taken or tried. It's amazing. The differences with the horses you can tell immediately."
-Nancy Horne, USA
"This technique is beyond what I imagined."
-Tone Joergensen, Norway
"I came for the 10% I knew I was missing....and I found 90% I didn't even know I could do."
-Toni Horsley, Australia
"I get calls from new clients every week."
-Serena, USA
Equine Therapist
"The information that Dr. Tucker is providing is giving me so many light bulb moments, I don't want to miss a thing, I'm a junkie already! Being in the virtual seminar, it was particularly nice not to have to take my horses somewhere for hours and hours and to be able to work on them rather than some horses I did not know inside out and backward. They loved me before and love me even more now!"
Marce O.
"Dr. Tucker, this class was truly incredible! Your knowledge and way of teaching is terrific! The power of energy work amazes me and I am so grateful that you are out there sharing this with horse people everywhere."

Susan B
"Dr. Tucker is amazing. From the first day of the Seminar, I could see that she has so thoroughly, intelligently, and independently explored equine anatomy to such depths that she sees the big picture, the individual client profile, and everything in between.
She has, with a touch of genius that I have not seen in any other method or practice of equine bodywork, distilled her experience and knowledge into practical and very effective application."

Susan Bartfay
Blue Ribbon Equine
"I watched with amazement as the horses I worked on under her instruction soften in the eyes, relax, and re-align - all with gentle, non-invasive and very well-informed touch. She demonstrated, explained, and listened equally to the horses and to me.
As a Certified Equine Massage Therapist I was not satisfied with massage because I felt I was not helping the horses enough. Now I am confident that I have the skills to help resolve structural issues instead of just soothe them.
Committing to this seminar has been the best decision I have ever made to empower my practice and express my love for horses. Thank you, Renee, for your generosity, dedication, patience, and unflagging focus. It has been a great pleasure working with you!"

Nancy Horne
GreaterGoodRanch.com MMCP, CEMP
"For those interested in this work - I encourage you to attend and promise you that you will be totally blown away before lunch the first day! This technique is that powerful!!! I've studied lots of intense modalities - Renee's work is unique & astounding. The reason I want more people to take this course is because I want to recommend you to others - so many horses need this, & their owners, & dogs etc. too!"
Jodie Elwood
"I have only started TBT at the beginning of July and it has been amazing. My horse is 75% improved and I have no doubt that I will get him all the way after Module V. I was also able to heal my own tennis elbow that I have been suffering with for over 6 months. I’m a vet tech and no traditional veterinary therapies have been able to help my horse. He has been unsound for 7 years. TBT has been life-saving for my gelding."

Simone Heenan
"I’ve been searching for 6 years for ways to fix my TB gelding. Tried so many things but I still couldn’t ride him. Vets advised to PTS. I refused to give up. The improvement after his first skeletal alignment was amazing. He has been ridden more in the last 4 weeks than in the last 3 years. Finding the primary cause was all he needed."

Kathy Adams
"TBT is amazing, I use it 80-90% of the time in my treatments. And I've used it when the pain from my bunion has woken me up at night, I'm sure if I hadn't I would have needed to operate on my foot by now. Good luck and enjoy the process, practice makes perfect."

Shelly Martin
"I have been doing different types of bodywork over the years but I have never gotten results like I am seeing. The work is amazing and the horses are validating that for me but it takes time to feel confident with this work. I do believe this is the wave of the future."

Trisha Riellye
"I am just beginning my journey in TBT. I have had some exposure to this technique and its results. I have to admit at first I was a bit skeptical but since have seen some truly amazing results. I am excited to learn more during the module II seminar and beyond."

June Proctor
"I was hooked after The Ulcer Report and skeletal alignment. I could see and feel the technique working before my eyes! Dr. Tucker names the other modalities she pursued after becoming a vet. TBT is my foundation. I have one case where a vet and a chiropractor could not help. They can’t believe the results. It is the true Whole Horse Approach, Physical, Mental Emotional."
"Wanted to share my heartfelt thank you for your incredible weekend workshop experience! You have such a gift of explaining complicated and obtuse things in a very easy-to-graph manner -- communication is definitely one of your superpowers!
I’m having the best time with what I’ve learned and so look forward to continuing, so thank you very much!!"
Åsheim Ridning
"I got everything I hoped for in the seminar and more than I expected".
"I really enjoyed the seminar and was extremely pleased with the results for my old QH – he trotted down the hill for breakfast like a 14-year-old!"

Vanessa Siggard Kay
"You'll be pleasantly surprised and amazed. Both my horse and I were a total wreck after falling off of a bridge into a gully during an endurance training session. One visit with Dr. Tucker using TBT and we went from being pretty much incapacitated to almost fully functioning in one day."